You're invited to a scent family reunion!

You're invited to a scent family reunion!

Imagine this. You meet a brand new friend and hit it off immediately--you're basically kindred spirits. You wanna hang out with your new BFFLF (best friend for literally forever), and she asks you, "What should we get for lunch??"

What is naturally your first question to this brand new person?

"Well, what do you like to eat?"

Obviously this candle email is about candles, and not about how to make new friends and eat food together. BUT I get this kind of question all the time. "Which candle should I get??"

What is naturally my first question?

"Well, what kind of smells do you like?"

To which most people say, "uhh... idk. vanilla?" Which is a valid answer, bc we love a good vanilla. But just like you would tell your new friend that you like Italian food, rather than like, marinara sauce, you can shop more reliably for a candle you love by knowing about SCENT FAMILIES.

A super informative email that is for suresies not a waste of your time can be found below.

I always reference this super handy fragrance wheel from CandleScience 🕯️

Each candle will probably be part of a minimum of 2 scent families, and sometimes as many as 5 or 6! 😱 Here are the main ones (and a handy quick description of each):

Spicy -- this does include spicy 🌶️ scents like chili pepper, but it also includes. . . spices! Think nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, clove, and lots of other warm and vibrant smells.

Gourmand -- where are my dessert people at? *raises both hands* You might think of sweet, creamy, baked, or rich when you think of these. If you're a fan of things like brown sugar, bourbon, buttercream, coconut, maple, and other dessert-y vibes, you're probably a fan of gourmand. 🍦 🍰 🍪

Amber -- musky and exotic, scents like dark musk, incense, myrrh, or powder fall into this family. Amber smells tend to be perfume-y and complex, with sweet yet sensual notes. SIGN. ME. UP.

Woody -- one of my favorites personally, woody scents can range from warm and creamy (like sandalwood 🤤) to dry and smoky (like patchouli), with lots of variation in between. Woody smells can be earthy, leathery, and grounding, with notes like balsam, cedar, oak, and oud. Your best life as a forest fairy is waiting for you. 🧚‍♀️

Aromatic -- aromatic scents are fresh and herby, like what you'd find in a forest or an herb garden. If you like pine, eucalyptus, juniper, sage, mint, and rosemary, you'll want to look for anything from the aromatic family. BUT there are some unexpected scents to look for here, like gin, saffron, and black tea, which are all aromatic, too.

Floral -- pretty self-explanatory here. The floral family is (you guessed it!) flowers! Anything you'd find in a bouquet: rose, lily, gardenia, magnolia, cherry blossom, etc. all live in the floral fam. 💐

Citrus -- citrus is of course your bright lemons, limes, and oranges, but it also hosts some of the less expected, zesty friends, like bergamot (a personal fave), lemon verbena, lemongrass, and tangerine. 🍊

Marine/Ozonic -- if you're dying for a beach vacay (hi! guilty over here), marine scents can give you the brisk, cool feeling of the ocean, with no flight required. Sea salt, ozone, and aquatic notes live here, and we love them for it. 🌊

Green -- green smells are basically plant smells! Think of the fresh green scent of cucumber, bamboo, agave, grass, moss, palm, and rhubarb. Green scents can turn your bathroom into a spa oasis like *that*, which tbh is my fave way to use them. Pass the cucumber slices! 🧖‍♀️ 🌱 🥒 🌴

Fruity -- this one might surprise you, but--wait, no it won't. Fruity means fruit! They smell juicy and vibrant, with notes like apple, berry, black cherry, cranberry, fig, guava, melon, mango, peach, red currant, strawberry, pineapple, coconut, and anything you'd put in a fruit salad (except CoolWhip). 🍉🫐🍍🍎🥭 🍓

Do you already have an idea of what your fave scent families are?

Next time you're shopping around (for an new 5th + Reynolds candle, for example), you will be in-the-know and super impressive. 😎 Did you know each candle description on the website lists the scent families for the candle?! (*mind-blown*)

You're basically a scent connoisseur now, so go ahead and show off all your knowledge to all your family and friends, because you are officially very cool and elite now.

Smell-ily yours,

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